Mitochondrial health, sunshine, sleep and frequencies

How can sunshine, sleep, and frequencies help mitochondria?

Everyone knows that the mitochondria are the body’s powerhouse - the source of ATP (the energy ‘currency’).

However, did you know that they also produce…

  • our master steroid hormone, pregnenolone

  • intracellular melatonin

  • regulate our calcium

  • and carbon dioxide

  • regulate our circadian rhythm

  • and immune function

  • and, so much more!

    Mitochondria, as it turns out, are potentially the master regulators for all health and disease, and so when they are not functioning optimally … well, things can get messy.

    Just when you think it’s all bad news, it turns out there are some pretty simple things we can do to ensure optimal numbers of happy mitochondria in all of our cells!

    Come and join me down the Quantum Biology rabbit-hole, it’s fun.

Mitochondrial health - why is it important for more than just energy?

This article covers 

  • What are mitochondria?

  • What do mitochondria do…other than making energy?

  • What is/causes mitochondrial dysfunction? 

  • Light, sound, radio waves, and vibration frequencies.

  • The signs of mitochondrial dysfunction

  • How to start optimising your mitochondria

What are mitochondria?

We have somewhere between 1,000 and 1 million mitochondria per cell, with the greatest numbers in the ovaries and sperm (interesting!), in the heart, and other organs and muscles. They are small bean-like organelles (the ‘organs’ of a cell), with a double wall and filled with a special kind of water called structured water, they communicate with the cell itself and with each other.

Put very simply, the mitochondria are a sensing, and responding mechanism of the internal and external environment of the body. They get messages in the form of chemicals, vibrations, temperature and light frequencies that tell them if the environment is safe or stressful and they respond accordingly by altering gene expression, hormone control, and a host of other processes determining whether the body is growing, or conserving or defending.

So, if you went to high school in the last 30+ years (not me - I didn’t learn this until university), you would know that the mitochondria is the ‘powerhouse of the cell’, making ATP which is the energy currency of the body. 

End of story! Right? 


What do mitochondria do?
It turns out that whilst energy production is an incredibly important function, they also perform many, many other REALLY IMPORTANT functions, such as:

  • Making pregnenolone - the master steroid hormone, the hormone that most of our important hormones are made from. So, DHEA, oestradiol, oestrone, and oestriol, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol…

What do you think happens when you use up all the pregnenolone by making cortisol because you like to race through each day like it’s a competition? That’s right, none left to make your sex hormones. Hmmm, hello hormone imbalance!

  • Biophoton production and response - in the process of making energy,and also in inflammation, and in oxidation, electrons can be lost releasing micro-bursts of light called biophotons. When many of these small light emissions are released it signals  a stress state  altering the way our genes turn off or on, called ‘gene expression’ and in a stress state our genes may be turned on for survival mode, changing the way the body’s resources are allocated.

  • Carbon dioxide production - not just a waste product, CO2 is essential for ensuring the correct pH of the blood, and for the transfer of oxygen within the blood, in the lungs and other tissues.. 

  • Intracellular calcium production - calcium plays an important role in bone and tissue integrity, but is perhaps more important in its role as a signalling molecule. Every cell and every nerve needs to maintain a small negative charge, therefore a precise amount of calcium in order to function. The mitochondria tightly regulate the amount of calcium within the cell. Muscular and neurodegenerative conditions associated with disrupted calcium regulation include Parkinson’s and Alzheimers’ Diseases, muscular dystrophy, heart failure and a multitude of others.

  • Controlling autophagy and apoptosis - autophagy is the process of recycling, repairing and renewing damaged cells. Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death, when a cell is not functioning. The mitochondria regulate both processes ensuring conservation of both energy and cellular resources.

  • Regulating the immune system - mitochondria sense a range of stressors such as pathogens, chemical toxins, signalling molecules, and biophoton signalling. This response includes tightening up the cellular membrane, reducing energy flow in and out of the mitochondria and triggering responses from the innate immune system and affecting healing. 

  • Stimulating inflammation yep, the mitochondria play an important part in regulation of inflammation - the start, and the resolution of it.

  • Producing sub-cellular melatonin - different from the melatonin produced in the pineal gland, the melatonin in our mitochondria plays more of an antioxidant role and is produced in response to any kind of stress - chemical, environmental, emotional, immunological, which is signalled by bio-photon release. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, and one of the body’s main defences against free-radicals, particularly those produced by the normal cellular and mitochondrial processes. Sub-cellular melatonin helps maintain intracellular water in its optimal state (below)..

  • Making intracellular water - water is not just liquid water in the body. In order to have healthy functioning cells, vessels (veins, arteries, capillaries etc.), in fact, all throughout the body we have a special form of water called ‘structured water’ or ‘EZ (exclusion zone) water’ which has a more gel-like structure. This water contains more hydrogen molecules, making it H3O2 rather than H2O. The mitochondria is responsible for producing this electron charged water, which maintains the necessary slightly negative charge within the cell. Our cells are like small batteries and the difference in charge from inside to out is what all bodily processes rely on - we are electric machines!

Just like plants, we are solar powered machines!

What is/causes mitochondrial dysfunction? 

Poor mitochondrial function drives around 85-90% of disease states.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is when any of the above processes is disrupted, which in turn disrupts the rest of its important processes. The location of the cells containing the dysfunctional mitochondria will determine the organ, or tissue affected and therefore the disease state, e.g.  if the dysfunctional mitochondria are in the cardiac cells, the result will be heart disease, in the ovum or sperm it will result in compromised fertility etc. 

The most important part of the mitochondria is an exchange of electrons through a series of proteins called The Electron Transport Chain, which reside on the inner of two membranes (see above). At the end of this chain a tiny nano-motor spins so fast that the mitochondria actually measures 10 degrees celsius warmer than the rest of the cell! 

The spacing of these proteins on the membrane is crucial for the proper operation and inflammation and free-radical damage can cause them to become further apart. When too far apart, they ‘drop’ their electrons releasing a tiny burst of light, a bio-photon. Bio-photons are like a mini alarm, the more electrons dropped the louder this alarm signal becomes. An accumulation of electrons can cause higher amounts of free radicals and oxidative damage to the membrane, stimulating more inflammation and further stretching of the distances between proteins. The mitochondria has mechanisms for countering this damage, by releasing more intra-cellular melatonin to quench the oxidative damage (otherwise known as anti-oxidation). 

Another aspect of damage can be altering the fragile balance of pH to the EZ/structured water, essential for maintaining smooth operation of the electron transport chain. Electrons like to tunnel, and the structured water around the electron transport chain, makes this easier by helping direct these electrons to their destination. EZ water also functions as a battery of potential energy within our cells, maintains necessary negative change, is a conduit for subatomic information flow, is an antenna to receive EMF frequencies from both within and outside the body, and helps maintain the optimal shape of proteins (and proteins form part of nearly every functional part of the body). EZ water is also found lining the walls of all of our blood vessels, acting as a battery to help propel blood cells along. 

Things that can harm mitochondria are:

  • Environmental chemical toxins

    • such as heavy metals, 

    • pesticides 

    • or herbicides such as glyphosate which also slows detoxification in the CYP450 enzymes of the liver (further compounding detoxification). 

  • Chronic stressors of any kind - 

    • Illness, latent virus reactivation (Epstein-Barr/Glandular Fever/Mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus etc.)

    • Extreme emotional stress, 

    • extreme exercise, 

    • poor diet and lifestyle habits, 

    • genetic factors, 

    • lack of sunlight through the day - lack of exposure to the blue light of morning sunlight &  lack of exposure on bare skin of near infrared light, 

    • poor circadian rhythm

    • over-exposure to non-native electromagnetic frequencies, EMFs, Wifi, 4/5G

    • or over-exposure to unnatural light sources (LED, CFL, and fluorescent lighting)

Light, sound, radio waves, and vibration frequencies.

As mentioned earlier, our mitochondria are sensing and responding mechanisms. The way that they send and receive information with other mitochondria, other cells, with our immune, digestive and nervous systems is via frequencies and vibrations. When bio-photons are released, the electron transport chain needs to work harder, with the nano-motor spinning faster and causing higher vibrations to resonate within the gel-like structured water. This structured water forms part of every cell, and lines every vessel and thus the alarm signal frequency is transmitted around the body.

Bio-photon release occurs in response to stressors of all kinds, and the more biophotons released the more critical the stress ‘alarm’ message is, therefore the higher the frequency of vibration transmitted.

We are solar powered machines. Our mitochondria need to know what time of day it is, to be able to appropriately regulate all of our systems. They do this by light, the red and near infrared light is received by the skin and helps our mitochondria produce subcellular melatonin to keep them healthy. Receptors in our eyes receive blue light that suppresses pineal gland melatonin needed for sleep. The morning light has more blue light than red and as the day progresses the blue light diminishes. The ratio of blue to red light helps our mitochondria tell the time. Incandescent, compact fluorescent and fluorescent lights all contain unnatural ratios of blue to red light, which don’t change - so, if you are inside all day, your mitochondria can’t tell what time it is. The high ratio of blue light in the evening prevents melatonin production and the blue light from our devices makes it even worse. 

Our mitochondria receive radio waves in the same way as all sound waves are received, as a frequency vibration, and transmitted via vibration of the structured water.  It is hypothesised that our fascia transmits frequencies throughout the body as well. Turns out music is therapy, after all. 

Non-native (un-natural) frequencies (electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs)such as those transmitted by all electronic devices, 4 and 5 G and Wifi frequencies, are chaotic signals that can have a negative impact on the mitochondria by altering the folding of proteins, and DNA replication. The impact depends on the amount, proximity and length of time the body is exposed to these signals. Some frequencies are very short range and easily avoided, others are ubiquitous and pervasive.

The body can accumulate charge through the day, by exposure to electronics, through normal cellular processes and by wearing shoes all day we do not normally have the opportunity to discharge it. Simply standing on the earth in bare feet will within seconds ‘ground’ the body and discharge the accumulated positive charge, with an automatic flow of electrons. It sounds a little ‘woo-woo’ but in fact is basic chemistry/physics.

The signs of mitochondrial dysfunction.

Mitochondria are present in all cells except red blood cells, and so it could be said that dysfunction of mitochondria in a particular tissue or organ will define the condition or disease - cardiac mitochondria dysfunction is called heart disease, sperm cell mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to infertility, liver cell mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to liver disease. There may be other cellular or genetic sources of dysfunction underlying disease states, however, if a large proportion of mitochondria are dysfunctional the cell function is compromised.

Therefore every system, and every part of the body is impacted by the function of its mitochondria. Research has shown an association with mitochondrial dysfunction and these conditions:

  • Neurodegeneration, strokes, demyelination, ataxia, Parkinsonism, epilepsy, cognitive decline, dementia, psychiatric symptoms, and migraines

  • Liver disease

  • Visual impairment (retinitis pigmentosa, cataracts, optic neuropathy)

  • Kidney dysfunction

  • Heart muscle  and conduction defects (arrhythmia), atrial fibrillation

  • Muscle weakness, tiredness with exercise, cramps, delayed onset exercise intolerance

  • Diabetes (Types 1 & 2)

  • Digestive disorders - malabsorption and diarrhoea

  • Motor and sensory neuropathies

  • Premature menopause, male and female infertility

  • Immunological defects, anaemia, lactacidemia (a buildup of lactic acid in the bloodstream) 

Most early and commonly recognised symptoms of mild mitochondrial dysfunction include:

  • Fatigue, 

  • Insomnia

  • Poor sleep - inability to stay asleep, poor onset of sleep, waking early and unrefreshed

  • Mood disturbances

  • Digestive disturbances

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Thyroid disorders

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Heart palpitations

  • Low blood pressure,

  • Dizziness on standing

  • Noise and light sensitivity

  • Shortness of breath

  • Joint, muscle, random body pain

  • … fact, almost any symptom in the body!

Interestingly, it has been revealed in recent studies that insulin resistance and weight gain are significantly altered by disrupted circadian rhythms and that specific timing of meals can assist in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Circadian rhythm not only regulates the sleep-wake cycle, but also cycles of digestion, defecation, eating, and metabolism.

Are your mitochondria making you fat? ….Maybe.

How  to start optimising your mitochondria

Possibly the easiest and cheapest treatment strategy to improve health is to regulate your light exposure, to improve mitochondrial health and help regulate your circadian rhythm. 

  1. First thing on waking, go outside in bare feet and stand on the earth (grounding)

  2. While doing this, look up into the sky for a few minutes (don’t look AT the sun!)

  3. If you can, go for a gentle 30 minute walk in nature

  4. Eat a hearty protein-loaded breakfast (animal or plant based) within 60 mins of waking

  5. Take regular breaks throughout the day to spend even a few minutes outside, get sunshine on bare skin (no creams, sunscreen, moisturisers) DON’T GET BURNED.

  6. Wear blue blocker glasses during the day if indoors or swap lightbulbs to ‘warmer’ - blue-blocking types 

  7. Eat dinner before sunset

  8. Wear blue blocker glasses after sunset, ESPECIALLY if you are looking at any kind of device

  9. Avoid looking at phones, tablets, computers and TV screens after sunset

  10. Watch the sunset, and sunrises as often as possible

  11. Turn down lighting, or use only red lighting 2 hours before bed

  12. Have consistent bedtime and wake times - calculating a minimum 7-10 hours sleep each night

  13. Avoid food and alcohol for several hours before bedtime

Frequently asked questions -

  • Yes, it is! Your mitochondria do so much more than just make energy, they sense and respond to the environment - which can mean what comes into your body, onto your skin, feast or famine, stress, illness, infection, inflammation, environmental toxins including un-natural light, and frequencies. They also communicate with the rest of the body to respond, by preventing any potential harm to the mitochondria, the cell, and the body by conserving energy, preventing attack, stimulating the immune system and a host of other ways. Long-term this can result in dysfunctional mitochondria and damage to tissues and organs, and contribute to a wide range of health conditions.

  • Surprisingly, getting regular sunshine throughout the day is a really simple way to help improve the function of your mitochondria. Mitochondria do more than produce energy, but if they are not functioning optimally they will not be doing any of their jobs well - including making energy.

    We are like a solar battery in a way, and the infra-red, and near infra-red frequencies of sunlight are important for producing subcellular melatonin which is the powerful antioxidant keeping our mitochondria functioning at their optimal level. Subcellular melatonin is not to be confused with the melatonin produced by our pineal gland, which we need for sleep. Our mitochondria also need to know what the time of day is, and they do this by registering the amount of blue light from the sun. The greatest proportion of blue light in sunshine is just after sunrise, and diminishes throughout the day, leaving more and more red light frequencies. This balance of blue to red light tells the mitochondria what time it is and what processes the body should be completing. The blue light blocks the production of pineal gland melatonin and as the blue light diminishes, we start to produce more and more of this type of melatonin and get more sleepy.

    So, getting outside first thing on waking, getting regular breaks outside, getting sunshine on bare skin (no sunscreen, moisturisers or creams - but DON’T GET SUNBURNED!) and watching sunrises and sunsets can help to keep your mitochondria happy and healthy, regulate your circadian rhythm and help you get better sleep..

  • It sounds like a crazy conspiratory theory, doesn’t it? However, it is really basic chemistry/physics - we accumulate charge, through normal cellular processes, through exposure to electronic devices, through scuffing our plastic-soled shoes across woollen carpets, or simply combing hair with a plastic comb and we don’t have the chance to discharge it when we are ‘insulated’ from the earth by wearing shoes all day. How often do you walk on the earth in bare feet?

    All molecules want to have a balanced number of electrons and the exchange can happen within milliseconds as our feet touch the earth. It can be dirt, or grass or any conductive material that is in contact with the earth. Sadly, homes with concrete slabs are not reliable for grounding as the slab is reinforced with metal, and any homes built since around 1970 will have a vapour barrier to prevent moisture wicking up from the soil below. In short, the slab may not be in contact with the earth.

    Our cells (at rest) need a mildly negative charge, while outside the cell needs a positive charge for the cells to perform their task, whether it’s a nerve, muscle, liver, heart or lung cell. Anything that interferes with this balance will affect health and the longer it goes on, the more of a problem that will be. Within our cells the mitochondria are perhaps most affected, as an accumulation of charge will disrupt the flow of electrons in the electron transport chain. This ‘pass the parcel game’ of electrons is what produces our cellular energy, regulates oxygen, carbon dioxide, and maintains a specific type of water within the cell. If your electron transport chains aren’t working efficiently, then little in your body is.

    Try it, go out every morning and stand on the ground with bare feet, it literally only takes a second and may change your health.

  • You have between 1,000 and 1 million mitochondria in every cell except red blood cells. These are mostly densely located in the ovum and sperm cells, the heart, liver and other organs, as well as muscles. Yes, they are the powerhouse of the cell, producing ATP which is our energy currency, but they also:

    Produce pregnenolone - the precursor hormone from which all our steroid hormones are made.

    Regulate intracellular calcium - important for cell communication

    Makes carbon dioxide - not just a waste product but an important signalling molecule and acid buffer

    Makes intracellular structured water

    Modifies DNA/gene expression

    Senses and responds to the internal and external environment

    Signals stress and times of abundance

    Controls autophagy and apoptosis of the cell

    Regulates the immune system

    All of these things are at least as important as producing energy!


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